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Research is showing that advanced methods of genetic testing aren’t equally useful for everyone: They’re less accurate for non-white families, raising concerns about how historical gaps in whose DNA gets studied produce inequities in medical care.

Research is showing that advanced methods of genetic testing aren’t equally useful for everyone: They’re less accurate for non-white families, raising concerns about how historical gaps in whose DNA gets studied produce inequities in medical care.

Over the past decade, Stanford Medicine student Lillie Reed has dedicated her life and academic career to preventing violence and helping victims heal from the resulting trauma.  

Over the past decade, Stanford Medicine student Lillie Reed has dedicated her life and academic career to preventing violence and helping victims heal from the resulting trauma.  

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Carlie Arbaugh is dedicated to both surgery and cooking because they demand meticulous attention to detail and the ability to think on your feet.

Carlie Arbaugh is dedicated to both surgery and cooking because they demand meticulous attention to detail and the ability to think on your feet.

Medicine has been the way of connecting both of Brian Smith's passions. “With medicine I could have the intellectual curiosity, but also the chance to talk with people and enjoy the human experience.”

Medicine has been the way of connecting both of Brian Smith's passions. “With medicine I could have the intellectual curiosity, but also the chance to talk with people and enjoy the human experience.”

Approximately 10% of babies worldwide are born three or more weeks before their due date -- making premature birth the leading cause of death for children under 5 globally.

Approximately 10% of babies worldwide are born three or more weeks before their due date -- making premature birth the leading cause of death for children under 5 globally.

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Across the United States, Black women are three to four times as likely as their white peers to experience life-threatening pregnancy complications or die giving birth

Across the United States, Black women are three to four times as likely as their white peers to experience life-threatening pregnancy complications or die giving birth

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Many people mistakenly assume that because Ronit Mazzoni has been blind since birth, her career choice must have been related to her condition.

Many people mistakenly assume that because Ronit Mazzoni has been blind since birth, her career choice must have been related to her condition.

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The cost of branded pharmaceuticals and quality and availability of generic versions are two key issues facing the U.S. marketplace.

The cost of branded pharmaceuticals and quality and availability of generic versions are two key issues facing the U.S. marketplace.

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Nichole Tyson, MD, has advice for young people seeking help for menstrual problems – including painful, irregular or heavy periods.

Nichole Tyson, MD, has advice for young people seeking help for menstrual problems – including painful, irregular or heavy periods.

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Stanford medicine statistician Maya Mathur found that doctors have misconceptions about being overweight shortening lifespans.

Stanford medicine statistician Maya Mathur found that doctors have misconceptions about being overweight shortening lifespans.

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Researchers found that a mindset intervention could improve the self-reported overall quality of life for adults undergoing cancer treatment.

Researchers found that a mindset intervention could improve the self-reported overall quality of life for adults undergoing cancer treatment.

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