What actually causes hearing loss? Are there new treatments that can restore hearing? Can it be reversed? How does air travel affect hearing loss?
Can group texting therapy help new moms with depression?
When new or expectant mothers experience depression in the peripartum period, serious problems can manifest for those children down the line.
New genetic study: More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews’ ancient Hebrew patrimony
I hail from the so-called Ashkenazi branch of Jews, who account for the great majority of all Jews in the world today. Ashkenazis are distinguished …
Taking painkillers with sleeping pills is an increasingly risky business
For those of us following the confounding opioid epidemic, there's more bad news. Stanford researchers have determined that taking strong prescription painkillers together with sleeping …
This is your brain on… roller coasters?
How risky are roller coasters for the human brain? A team of Stanford engineers rode roller coasters for science, hoping to find out.
A skeptical look at popular diets: Vegetarian is healthy if you tread carefully
In the third post in A Skeptical Look at Popular Diets, clinician-researcher Randall Stafford points out the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet.
Does retinol deserve the hype? A Stanford dermatologist weighs in
A Stanford dermatologist weighs in on using retinol to fight aging, acne and other skin problems, and whether it deserves the hype.
For those with an alcohol problem, are non-alcoholic beverages a wise choice?
Q&A with a Stanford addiction specialist on whether non-alcoholic beverages are helpful or harmful for those with alcohol use disorders
Study: Expiration dates have nothing to do with shelf life of drugs
I'm one of those people who regularly goes through the medicine cabinet looking for expired medications to toss out. But a new study published in …
The science behind muscle memory
Stanford Medicine researchers tracked memory formation in real time, watching how muscle memory is created.
Schrödinger’s COVID: Infected without testing positive?
Stanford pathologist speaks to the likelihood of undetectable COVID-19 and best practices for staying safe in the face of uncertainty.
Biomarkers predict weight loss, suggest personalized diets
Researchers compared diets and found that some people responded better to different types of nutrition when it comes to weight loss.
Tumbling stem cells? Watch how movement plays a part in their fate
Stanford Medicine researchers recorded stem cells performing a previously unknown type of movement, dubbed cell tumbling, which may help them differentiate.
Use your range hood for a healthier home, advises indoor air quality researcher
To prevent potentially harmful levels of pollutants from building up inside homes, air quality researcher Brett Singer provides tips.
Lay off the laxatives — even a short bout of diarrhea can ruin your gut microbes’ month
In each of our abdomens sit trillions of microbes, but a bout of diarrhea can induce a lasting round of gut-bug disruption, new research indicates.
Signal identified that can promote growth of small arteries, helping injured hearts
Researchers have discovered a protein signal that promotes the growth of collateral arteries, which can provide backup if major arteries are blocked.