Shadowing a physician, Stanford medical student Lauren Joseph experiences the somber, yet hopeful setting of the intensive care unit for babies.
Tag: SMS Unplugged
Year in review: Reflections on my first four medical clerkships
Stanford medical student Orly Farber ponders what she's seen and learned from clerkships in OB/GYN, emergency medicine, ambulatory medicine and surgery.
Volunteering at the children’s hospital over the holidays
MD/PhD student Tim Keyes left the lab for a week and reconnected with patients, volunteering at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford.
Sleep and the medical profession: An uneasy relationship
Stanford medical student Yoo Jung Kim reflects on the challenges of getting a good night's rest when you are a health care provider or a patient.
Offering comfort in conversation
Talking with a patient's loved ones can help ease their emotional burden and inform the patient's care, writes Stanford medical student Tasnim Ahmed.
Advice for LGBTQ+ medical school applicants
How "out" should you be in your application? What questions should you ask? Stanford MD/PhD student Tim Keyes offers tips for LGBTQ-identifying med school applicants.
Finding family in unexpected places
Missing family while she's away at medical school, Stanford student Lauren Joseph stumbled across an unexpected reminder of people dear to her heart.
First times in the emergency department
During initial procedures shifts in the ED, every IV placement on a real patient feels like the first time, writes Stanford medical student Tasnim Ahmed.
What baking taught me about practicing medicine
Like baking, practicing medicine sometimes requires improvising, based solidly on knowledge and experience, writes Stanford medical student Yoo Jung Kim.
OR or OB? A medical student considers specialties
Stanford medical student Orly Farber ponders her response to the ubiquitous question: What will you choose for your specialty?
Finding a lab that feels like home
Tim Keyes, a fifth-year MD/PhD student at Stanford, offers tips for graduate students in search of a laboratory that's a perfect fit.
Doctor…who? A second-year student works through imposter syndrome
Stanford medical student Lauren Joseph writes about gaining confidence as she enters her second year and begins interacting with patients.
Scents and memories at the hospital
Stanford medical student Yoo Jung Kim writes about smells in the hospital and how they can trigger fond memories and provide motivation.
An ode to those who Matched
A fourth-year Stanford medical student reflects on this year's Match Day.
A medical student’s thoughts on Match Day
Steven Zhang shares his insights on Match Day, when medical students across the country learn which residency program they've been matched with.
Medicine runs on stories
A medical student shares how both storytelling and story-listening can be beneficial for physicians (and their patients).