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Stanford biochemist works with gamers to develop COVID-19 vaccine

...the laboratory of geneticist Maria Barna, PhD -- hope to design a COVID-19 vaccine that can prime our immune systems to fight the virus, while also remaining stable enough to...

...the laboratory of geneticist Maria Barna, PhD -- hope to design a COVID-19 vaccine that can prime our immune systems to fight the virus, while also remaining stable enough to...

Cavity found inside tuberculosis molecule could expand research paths

Usually, discovering the structure of a protein is a step on the way to something bigger. It's a key step to be sure -- you can't design a drug to...

Usually, discovering the structure of a protein is a step on the way to something bigger. It's a key step to be sure -- you can't design a drug to...

Stanford med students use artistic talents to combat COVID

...medical student founded COVID Creatives, a group of artists and designers offering free infographics, posters and other materials to health care providers. In a matter of weeks, COVID Creatives members...

...medical student founded COVID Creatives, a group of artists and designers offering free infographics, posters and other materials to health care providers. In a matter of weeks, COVID Creatives members...

How a psychologist aids health technology innovation

Four Stanford Biodesign Innovation fellows and Douglas Rait, PhD, Biodesign's director of team learning and design, were gathering online for their regular team check-in. Even though the meeting was virtual,...

Four Stanford Biodesign Innovation fellows and Douglas Rait, PhD, Biodesign's director of team learning and design, were gathering online for their regular team check-in. Even though the meeting was virtual,...

Scientists redesign full-face snorkel mask to combat PPE shortage his lab's work -- all their data and design studies, and the steps they've taken to develop the mask. To this end, the lab has made an open, online, lab... his lab's work -- all their data and design studies, and the steps they've taken to develop the mask. To this end, the lab has made an open, online, lab...

New brain implant device could record activity in thousands of neurons

..."The design of this device is completely different from any existing high-density recording devices, and the shape, size and density of the array can be simply varied during fabrication. This...

..."The design of this device is completely different from any existing high-density recording devices, and the shape, size and density of the array can be simply varied during fabrication. This...

Teens vulnerable to social-media promotion of vaping

...use a cause-and-effect design to test how social media posts can influence teens' interest in vaping and e-cigarettes. After teens viewed Instagram-style posts, some of which promoted vaping, the researchers...

...use a cause-and-effect design to test how social media posts can influence teens' interest in vaping and e-cigarettes. After teens viewed Instagram-style posts, some of which promoted vaping, the researchers...

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Formula for an “aha” moment: Pair up with your spouse

...different physicians could help us design better strategies for coordinating that care." As fate would have it, Rosenberg's lab had been working on a parallel question: How do different measures...

...different physicians could help us design better strategies for coordinating that care." As fate would have it, Rosenberg's lab had been working on a parallel question: How do different measures...

When AI is watching patient care: Ethics to consider

...surfacing now. She told me, It's still very early in the design and creation of ambient intelligence systems for hospitals. To be able to achieve an effective system, we have...

...surfacing now. She told me, It's still very early in the design and creation of ambient intelligence systems for hospitals. To be able to achieve an effective system, we have...

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Designing buildings to improve health

...distraction, which reduces their productivity and their ability to collaborate with others, she explained. Now, Billington's multidisciplinary research team is working to design buildings that instead reduce stress and increase...

...distraction, which reduces their productivity and their ability to collaborate with others, she explained. Now, Billington's multidisciplinary research team is working to design buildings that instead reduce stress and increase...

How Stanford Hospital became ‘an Internet of things hospital of the first order’

...that accompanies the magazine story. "When you look at this building and its design, it really is designed around that care experience." The new Stanford Hospital is designed to...

...that accompanies the magazine story. "When you look at this building and its design, it really is designed around that care experience." The new Stanford Hospital is designed to...

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Stanford students help hospitalized kids learn science

When engineering professor Andrew Spakowitz, PhD, was a new Stanford faculty member in 2008, he learned that the high school teachers at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford needed help designing...

When engineering professor Andrew Spakowitz, PhD, was a new Stanford faculty member in 2008, he learned that the high school teachers at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford needed help designing...

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Team-building, with toys

...Wagner, MBA, a lecturer at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, devised the Lego exercise to help teach communication skills during medical procedures. In the exercise with my...

...Wagner, MBA, a lecturer at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, devised the Lego exercise to help teach communication skills during medical procedures. In the exercise with my...

Measuring depression with wearables

...their wearable device with clinical trials, including studies to assess its design and user interface. Ultimately, the researchers hope MENTAID will help prevent and treat mental illness -- for example,...

...their wearable device with clinical trials, including studies to assess its design and user interface. Ultimately, the researchers hope MENTAID will help prevent and treat mental illness -- for example,...

In the Spotlight: Using engineering to improve patients’ lives

Meet Ross Venook, PhD, assistant director of engineering at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign and a lecturer in bioengineering. An electrical engineer by training, his work has focused on...

Meet Ross Venook, PhD, assistant director of engineering at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign and a lecturer in bioengineering. An electrical engineer by training, his work has focused on...

Sleep and the medical profession: An uneasy relationship

...will get as a brand-new intern. I would love to see someone design a more efficient system; ideally, it would allow providers to give necessary care and trainees to get...

...will get as a brand-new intern. I would love to see someone design a more efficient system; ideally, it would allow providers to give necessary care and trainees to get...

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