In the final installment of the Demystifying Heart Failure series, physician Randall Stafford and graduate student Min Joo Kim explain how heart failure can be treated and managed.
Author: Min Joo Kim
Demystifying Heart Failure: Medications as a key part of treatment
In this seventh post in the Demystifying Heart Failure series, physician Randall Stafford and graduate student Min Joo Kim outline key medications.
Demystifying Heart Failure: Exercise is A-OK
This post, the sixth in the series, examines the benefits of activity for heart failure patients and provides some suggestions for exercising safely.
Demystifying Heart Failure: “Hold the salt” and other healthy eating habits
This installment in the Demystifying Heart Failure series provides dietary guidance for those with heart failure as well as for those hoping to prevent it.
Demystifying Heart Failure: Why does it develop?
In the fourth post in the Demystifying Heart Failure series, physician Randall Stafford and colleagues explain why the condition develops.
Demystifying Heart Failure: Understanding the different types
This third installment in the Demystifying Heart Failure series explains two primary types of heart failure and introduces Mr. F, a heart failure patient.
Demystifying Heart Failure: Clearing up misconceptions
The second post in the Demystifying Heart Failure series, co-authored by cardiologist Fatima Rodriguez, addresses misconceptions about heart failure.
Demystifying Heart Failure: A treatable chronic disease
This post is the first in a series examining heart failure written by graduate student Min Joo Kim and physician-researcher Randall Stafford.