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A better COVID-19 vaccine?

Future historians will mark the development of the two-dose mRNA vaccines as a turning point in our global fight against COVID-19. The vaccines, which use an oily coating of nanoparticles...

Future historians will mark the development of the two-dose mRNA vaccines as a turning point in our global fight against COVID-19. The vaccines, which use an oily coating of nanoparticles...

Evading exhaustion to improve CAR-T cell therapy

Even cells need a rest sometimes. In 2017, I had the privilege of writing about what was then a relatively new therapy for leukemia called CAR-T cell therapy. The therapy...

Even cells need a rest sometimes. In 2017, I had the privilege of writing about what was then a relatively new therapy for leukemia called CAR-T cell therapy. The therapy...

Stanford postdoc enters her youngsters in vaccine COVID trial

As she watched the pandemic unfold, Stanford Medicine immunology researcher Zina Good, PhD, said she followed the coronavirus infection trends among children with growing alarm. She watched as more kids...

As she watched the pandemic unfold, Stanford Medicine immunology researcher Zina Good, PhD, said she followed the coronavirus infection trends among children with growing alarm. She watched as more kids...

Data from twins suggests that gut bacteria are important in food allergies

A comparison of twins with and without food allergies has uncovered distinct differences in the fecal bacteria of allergic and non-allergic individuals. The study, a collaboration between Stanford Medicine and...

A comparison of twins with and without food allergies has uncovered distinct differences in the fecal bacteria of allergic and non-allergic individuals. The study, a collaboration between Stanford Medicine and...

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Stanford nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccine shows early success in mice

Stanford University researchers, led by biochemist Peter Kim, PhD, have begun developing a new vaccine candidate for COVID-19 that doesn't need to be kept cold for storage or shipping, and...

Stanford University researchers, led by biochemist Peter Kim, PhD, have begun developing a new vaccine candidate for COVID-19 that doesn't need to be kept cold for storage or shipping, and...

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Excised tonsils aid study of  COVID-19 vaccines, the flu and more

...half a million pairs of tonsils are removed, destined for disposal as medical waste. But a group of scientists led by Stanford systems-immunology pioneer Mark Davis, PhD, has changed that...

...half a million pairs of tonsils are removed, destined for disposal as medical waste. But a group of scientists led by Stanford systems-immunology pioneer Mark Davis, PhD, has changed that...

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Best of 2020: Stanford Medicine’s top podcasts

...for a COVID-19 vaccine (2020) When I talked early this summer with pathology, microbiology and immunology professor Bali Pulendran, PhD, there were about 100 COVID-19 vaccines under development. Now that...

...for a COVID-19 vaccine (2020) When I talked early this summer with pathology, microbiology and immunology professor Bali Pulendran, PhD, there were about 100 COVID-19 vaccines under development. Now that...

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How do the new COVID-19 vaccines work?

What seemed impossible an eyeblink ago is now a reality. Amazingly, not one but two COVID-19 vaccines -- from Pfizer and Moderna, respectively -- are spilling out of the chute...

What seemed impossible an eyeblink ago is now a reality. Amazingly, not one but two COVID-19 vaccines -- from Pfizer and Moderna, respectively -- are spilling out of the chute...

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Bat-borne Nipah virus could help explain COVID-19 of bat ecology, blood and immunology and genetic similarities between it and other viruses.  Nipah virus comes and goes with the seasons As the Q&A explains, the team discovered... of bat ecology, blood and immunology and genetic similarities between it and other viruses.  Nipah virus comes and goes with the seasons As the Q&A explains, the team discovered...

How Stanford became a hub for COVID-19 testing

Early on the morning of March 3, I got a call from my editor: "It sounds like Stanford is about to launch its own COVID-19 test. We need a story."...

Early on the morning of March 3, I got a call from my editor: "It sounds like Stanford is about to launch its own COVID-19 test. We need a story."...

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Stanford Medicine researchers work to stop COVID-19 and society at large. In one example, David Lewis, MD, a professor of pediatrics, immunology and allergy, and his colleagues are harnessing CRISPR-Cas9 (the Nobel-winning gene-editing technology) to prime the... and society at large. In one example, David Lewis, MD, a professor of pediatrics, immunology and allergy, and his colleagues are harnessing CRISPR-Cas9 (the Nobel-winning gene-editing technology) to prime the...

Clues about what makes SARS-CoV-2 tick (and how to stop it)

In late 2008, infamous financial fraudster Bernie Madoff was found to have bilked local acquaintances and far-flung celebrities alike out of multiple billions of bucks. For maybe six months or...

In late 2008, infamous financial fraudster Bernie Madoff was found to have bilked local acquaintances and far-flung celebrities alike out of multiple billions of bucks. For maybe six months or...

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‘This was a marathon:’ Stanford Medicine tackles a pandemic

When my editors asked me to describe how Stanford Medicine faced the challenges of the early days and months of the coronavirus pandemic in Stanford Medicine magazine, I quailed. My...

When my editors asked me to describe how Stanford Medicine faced the challenges of the early days and months of the coronavirus pandemic in Stanford Medicine magazine, I quailed. My...

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Nation’s pediatricians push for safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines

The country's pediatricians have called for new COVID-19 vaccines to be appropriately vetted for safety and efficacy for everyone, including children, according to a recent letter sent to Alex Azar,...

The country's pediatricians have called for new COVID-19 vaccines to be appropriately vetted for safety and efficacy for everyone, including children, according to a recent letter sent to Alex Azar,...

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Stanford researchers help California prisons hit hard by COVID-19

The coronavirus has caused a significant health crisis in California's prisons. As of this writing, there are about 99,000 people incarcerated in the state, and more than 8,300 of them...

The coronavirus has caused a significant health crisis in California's prisons. As of this writing, there are about 99,000 people incarcerated in the state, and more than 8,300 of them...

High blood pressure drugs don’t increase COVID-19 risk, Stanford study finds

...the study's lead co-authors, Samuel "Yoni" Rubin, PhD, told me. However, the Stanford medical student and immunology postdoc added, this study goes further than others: "Most clinical trials investigating ACE-I...

...the study's lead co-authors, Samuel "Yoni" Rubin, PhD, told me. However, the Stanford medical student and immunology postdoc added, this study goes further than others: "Most clinical trials investigating ACE-I...