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From the Scope archives: My struggles with the third-year of med school – and the words that helped me

...have begun to resonate with me – they summarize so well what I’ve struggled with as a third-year med student. On a day-to-day basis, third year is awesome. The patients...

...have begun to resonate with me – they summarize so well what I’ve struggled with as a third-year med student. On a day-to-day basis, third year is awesome. The patients...

Med student creates Frankenstein-inspired art

...into its layers. For example, in 2016 he illustrated a series of mnemonics that medical students use to master anatomy. The Frankenstein art teaches inquisitive viewers about three sets of...

...into its layers. For example, in 2016 he illustrated a series of mnemonics that medical students use to master anatomy. The Frankenstein art teaches inquisitive viewers about three sets of...

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Countdown to Childx: Medical device innovation for kids with chronic disease

...intermittently in clinic visits; you get little snapshots. As a parent, your child is there every single day. Every day there’s the potential for effects from their illness, and from...

...intermittently in clinic visits; you get little snapshots. As a parent, your child is there every single day. Every day there’s the potential for effects from their illness, and from...

Spinal health and back pain: Straightening out facts from fictions

...stretchsitting and stretchlying, which covers 16 hours of the day (approximately 8 hours a day at work and 8 hours per night while sleeping) when you could be introducing gentle...

...stretchsitting and stretchlying, which covers 16 hours of the day (approximately 8 hours a day at work and 8 hours per night while sleeping) when you could be introducing gentle...

Telomerase key to liver regeneration, Stanford researchers find

...the liver was damaged, these cells proliferate in place to make clumps of new liver cells. The researchers hope that their findings may one day lead to new therapies for...

...the liver was damaged, these cells proliferate in place to make clumps of new liver cells. The researchers hope that their findings may one day lead to new therapies for...

It’s when, not if, computers come for medicine

...the simple kind, already uses personal health data. Go into any family doctor practice these days and you can find a provider plugging your information into an online calculator to...

...the simple kind, already uses personal health data. Go into any family doctor practice these days and you can find a provider plugging your information into an online calculator to...

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Stress hormone rise at night leads to weight gain

...rises and falls in a circadian 24-hour cycle, peaking around 8 a.m., then dropping through the day and night until it reaches its lowest point around 3 a.m. the next...

...rises and falls in a circadian 24-hour cycle, peaking around 8 a.m., then dropping through the day and night until it reaches its lowest point around 3 a.m. the next...

Probing concussion’s complexities with football mouthguards and a whole lot of computer time

...than anyone had previously thought. I describe it, including how the new research could one day help prevent concussion in my Stanford News article. The benefits of the an increased...

...than anyone had previously thought. I describe it, including how the new research could one day help prevent concussion in my Stanford News article. The benefits of the an increased...

Countdown to Childx: Bioethics in pediatrics

...the field of pediatrics today? There are now very good, but very expensive therapies for diseases like spinal muscular atrophy. The drug now available to treat it is priced at...

...the field of pediatrics today? There are now very good, but very expensive therapies for diseases like spinal muscular atrophy. The drug now available to treat it is priced at...

To provide better, faster care, emergency department goes vertical

...Stanford Health Care. While the department has gained some additional square footage, the patient volumes have grown more. A typical day brings an average of 200 patients; and during the...

...Stanford Health Care. While the department has gained some additional square footage, the patient volumes have grown more. A typical day brings an average of 200 patients; and during the...

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Mindfulness and emotional awareness can improve your work experience, Stanford researcher says is a key first step towards a happier and healthier workday, Weiss explains in a recent interview for Insights by Stanford Business: We're in a much better position to... is a key first step towards a happier and healthier workday, Weiss explains in a recent interview for Insights by Stanford Business: We're in a much better position to...

In Uganda, women with heart disease shown to take great risks to have a family a clinical instructor of medicine, became interested in the issue when he spent several months in Uganda during his Stanford residency in 2016. He teamed up with a group... a clinical instructor of medicine, became interested in the issue when he spent several months in Uganda during his Stanford residency in 2016. He teamed up with a group...

Taking the training wheels off on the road to becoming a “real doctor”

...deferring any kind of difficult conversation to the senior members of the team. It's easier, and much more fun, to be the good cop. Only exercising one day a week?...

...deferring any kind of difficult conversation to the senior members of the team. It's easier, and much more fun, to be the good cop. Only exercising one day a week?...

Heart patient energized by valve replacement without open surgery

...generally takes half as long as from open surgery, the article explains. Hosking too improved quickly: She was walking and talking the day after her procedure and was back home...

...generally takes half as long as from open surgery, the article explains. Hosking too improved quickly: She was walking and talking the day after her procedure and was back home...

Stanford gun violence research highlighted in national dialogue

As millions marched against gun violence across the country on Saturday, research from Stanford experts on the impact of gun ownership on public health was also in the spotlight. The...

As millions marched against gun violence across the country on Saturday, research from Stanford experts on the impact of gun ownership on public health was also in the spotlight. The...