Many healthy newborns are getting antibiotics they don’t need, potentially causing harmful changes in their gut bacteria, but new Stanford research suggests a solution.
Author: Erin Digitale
Countdown to Childx: What doctors can do to improve health literacy
Health literacy means doctors explaining health care tasks - such as giving a child medication - in doable steps that don’t make you feel like you’re overwhelmed, says health-literacy expert Ruth Parker, a guest at next month's Childx conference.
Reducing gun violence discussed at Stanford Medicine symposium
Firearm violence as a public health problem was the focus of a recent Stanford Medicine forum. Physicians should conduct more research on gun violence and advocate for gun safety with patients, presenters said.
Countdown to Childx: Upcoming conference will highlight collaborative solutions in child health
Stanford’s third Childx conference, at the School of Medicine April 12 and 13, will bring together experts from many fields to discuss challenges in child health.
Stanford symposium illuminates how stem cell therapies interact with their surroundings
Reaping stem cells’ full therapeutic benefits requires a detailed understanding of the complex relationships between the cells and their environments -- whether in a lab dish or a patient’s body.
New method could predict leukemia relapse at diagnosis
A new technique gives doctors an early view of which pediatric leukemia patients will relapse, and may point the way toward better cancer drugs.
Risk for premature deliveries doubles in soldiers just home from deployment
Active-duty servicewomen face an increased risk of having a premature baby if they give birth soon after returning from deployment.
Helping a child recover from a brain tumor: “There’s not much that she can’t do”
After Aditi Polamreddy's brain tumor was removed, she needed physical and occupational therapy to keep her brain from forgetting one side of her body.
Stanford scientist asks how chronic diseases affect kids’ bones
Stanford's Mary Leonard has devoted her research career to understanding how chronic diseases weaken children's bones, and what we can do about it.
What about secondhand marijuana smoke? Stanford Medicine expert weighs in
In 1995, California became the first state in the country to enact laws protecting people from exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke in public spaces. Those …
New research shows how to keep diabetics safer during sleep
Life with type 1 diabetes requires an astonishing number of health-related decisions - about 180 per day. But patients' vigilant monitoring of their daytime blood sugar, …