This 1:2:1 podcast features George Tingwald, a physician and architect who reflects on his work overseeing the design of the new Stanford Hospital.
Month: November 2019
Patients, ribbons and excitement on the new Stanford Hospital’s first day
On Sunday, Nov. 17, the new Stanford Hospital opened its doors to its first patients. Families, patients, staff, and more were on hand for the big day.
The new Stanford Hospital welcomes its first patients
Today, after more than a decade of preparation, the new Stanford Hospital opens to the public. Follow along on social media.
Robotic surgical assistant helps halt a child’s seizures
A robotic surgical assistant known as ROSA recently helped Stanford pediatric neurosurgeons prepare for a surgery to alleviate a little girl’s seizures.
How estrogen cycles change female mice’s (and possibly people’s) brains, governing sexual receptivity
A discovery about how a neural circuit located deep in the brains of female mice changes in response to estrogen could offer insight into human brains.
In the Spotlight: Juggling vision, videos — and balls
This "In the Spotlight" features Guillaume Riesen, a PhD student in neuroscience with many, many hobbies.
Doctors give electronic health records ‘F’ rating, study says
Electronic health records are not user-friendly according to a survey of physicians, which also linked these results with burnout.
Learning and teaching medicine in Rwanda: Part II
Amid reminders of a grisly past, Stanford Medicine fellow Melissa Hersh observed signs of transformation and resilience during a trip to Rwanda.
What baking taught me about practicing medicine
Like baking, practicing medicine sometimes requires improvising, based solidly on knowledge and experience, writes Stanford medical student Yoo Jung Kim.
Learning and teaching medicine in Rwanda: Part I
Working with doctors in Rwanda, Stanford pediatric emergency medicine fellow Melissa Hersh learned what it was like to provide care with limited technology.
No facilities for that: Scope@10,000
Writer Adam Hochschild reflects on a health care experience abroad that underscores the "absurdities" of the American medical system.
Future-proofing the new Stanford Hospital: A podcast
This blog post highlights a 1:2:1 podcast featuring Gary Fritz with Stanford Health Care, who discusses the technology in the new Stanford Hospital.
Choices, trade-offs and accomplishments at the Women in Medicine and Science event
The Stanford Medical Alumni Association hosted the Women in Medicine and Science event, celebrating the accomplishments of women scientists and physicians.
New Stanford hospital to open — just one week away
A photographic timeline documents seven years of construction on the eve of opening day for Stanford Health Care's eagerly-anticipated new facility.
What I learned about hospitals as a trauma patient
The new Stanford Hospital is equipped for digitally-driven health care guided by empathy, writes Stanford Health Care CEO David Entwistle.
The final frontier? Studying stem cells on the International Space Station
Stanford researchers study stem-cell-derived human heart muscle cells on the International Space Station to learn effects of microgravity.