A clinical trial studying convalescent plasma in COVID patients was determined ineffective by the National Institutes of Health and others.
Category: Infectious Diseases
Protecting health care workers in low-resourced Bangladesh
Stanford Medicine scholar turns time in Bangladesh during COVID-19 into a chance to improve health worker safety in low-resources countries.
How students are redesigning the future of health care
Stanford students share solutions they've developed to challenging health care problems through Stanford Health Technology showcase.
Protective bubbles and ‘spacesuits’: SARS-CoV-2 in the lab
With "bubbles" and "spacesuits," Stanford Medicine scientists take on the challenge of researching SARS-CoV-2 in the lab.
How to talk with someone about COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
Stanford researchers investigate vaccine hesitancy and show how to better communication about vaccines to encourage acceptance.
Genetics could explain why some people get severe COVID-19
Stanford Medicine researchers and others discovered 13 genetic signatures that are closely linked to an increased risk for severe COVID-19.
A better COVID-19 vaccine?
A new way to deliver mRNA as a COVID-19 vaccine may avoid side effects and increase customization to prevent infection.
Solving isolation room shortage with COVID-19 at the door
During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers innovated to quickly convert hospital rooms to isolation rooms at Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare.
Finding our Zen helps us act in support of the common good
The more that people do "contemplative practices," such meditation, the longer they abide by shelter-in-place guidelines, new study shows.
Is it safe to reopen schools? Here’s what the models say
A team of researchers developed a model to simulate potential COVID-19 transmission in elementary and high schools, as well as households.
Witness to Ebola, med student calls for more COVID-19 vaccines in Africa
Stanford medical student from Sierra Leone calls for urgent improvements in efforts to protect the people of African nations against COVID-19.
Racial, ethnic disparities in COVID-19 vaccination coverage
New research shows that 65% of people in the US will be partially vaccinated by July 4 — but for Hispanic and Black people, rates are lower.
Pharmacy team worked pit-crew style to roll out COVID-19 vaccines
With COVID-19 information evolving daily, the Stanford Health Care pharmacy team had to prepare for the unexpected in its vaccine rollout.
Universal hepatitis B screenings can save lives and cut costs, study says
Stanford researchers find that screening all adults in the United States one time for hepatitis B could save money and lives.
Finding redemption through criminal justice reform
After prison, Shaka Senghor dedicated himself to being a voice for the incarcerated and leading young Black men away from lives of crime.
Computer simulation may yield new COVID-19 drug
Stanford Medicine researchers have discovered a drug that could potentially be used to stave off SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.